Brooklyn Scoliosis Therapy

I opened Brooklyn Scoliosis Therapy at the culmination of my personal journey of having two children diagnosed with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. This experience led me to obtain extensive education in the scoliosis field, starting with Schroth method and continuing with SEAS and Lyon methods.

My extensive education in scoliosis and kyphosis care combined with background in pediatrics, orthopedics and holistic fitness methods uniquely positioned me to understand and address the needs of my patients. By dedicating my practice to scoliosis, kyphosis and postural disorders, I concentrate my time and efforts on delivering skilled specialized care to my patients. My personal struggle with scoliosis transformed into passionate dedicated commitment to provide the best possible care to this patient population.

Based on recent change in lifestyle postural disorders recently became an epidemic among adults, adolescents and even children. Postural care to prevent the negative influence of sedentary lifestyle and increased screen time is becoming extremely important.

My treatment philosophy is centered around a holistic perspective that aligns well with the multidimensional nature of scoliosis. Integration of various therapeutic modalities including exercises, manual techniques, and holistic methods form a comprehensive approach to patient care. I believe in addressing each patient’s unique needs in a tailored way which allows for effective intervention that leads to many wonderful success stories.