Bracing is often an important treatment for scoliosis and kyphosis.
The brace is prescribed by an orthopedic specialist, and it is fabricated by a certified orthotist. The choice of brace depends on physician’s opinion and patient’s needs and preferences.

The goals and effects of bracing
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The primary goal of bracing is to guide the growth of the spine and restore spinal alignment by redistributing pressure along the spinal column. These goals can be accomplished in children and adolescents who are still growing.
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Bracing helps to release asymmetrical tension that is due to scoliosis restoring length at the spinal ligaments, deep muscles, and soft tissues. This can be accomplished even when growth has slowed down or stopped.
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When brace is worn during daytime it helps to restore postural symmetry and perception of midline. As a result, neuro – muscular connections are modified and improved postural scheme is established.
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Three-dimensional braces serve best to reduce rotational component of scoliosis curvature reshaping spine and ribcage back to symmetry.
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Three-dimensional braces help to restore ribcage symmetry through redirecting breathing activity towards suppressed regions of the lungs.
Examples of 3D Scoliosis Braces
Cheneau style brace was developed by Dr. Jacques Cheneau (France) in the 1970s.
Dr. Manual Rigo (Spain, Barcelona) developed his own version of Cheneau brace, which is called Rigo Cheneau. Over decades, Rigo Cheneau brace further transformed into credible versions developed by expert orthotists, while the process was closely supervised and guided by Dr. Rigo.
The examples of Rigo Cheneau style braces available in the USA:
3-dimensional nature of Rigo type brace can be appreciated from cross-sectional view
Asymmetric Rigid Torsion (ART) brace is a very effective 3 D brace evolved from French Lyon brace through advance in computerized design and scanning technology. The brace is highly corrective for all types of curves. It is currently available in France.
Example of ART brace:

There are other common types of scoliosis braces that are prescribed for full day wear or for night wear only.
Boston brace has a decades long reputation of being successfully used for conservative management of scoliosis in the USA.

Night time braces are meant to be used for the night only. They are usually longer and cannot be used comfortably for sitting or walking. Night bracing is usually tolerated very well as the brace does not interfere with movement or social activities. For younger patients nighttime bracing serves as a growth modification devise that can effectively prevent further curve progression either eliminating or postponing the necessity of day brace. It is well known that in children a lot of growing happens during night sleep.
Example of Providence night brace:

Bracing on conjunction with physical therapy

Scoliosis specific physical therapy has always been an important and necessary support for bracing. Combination of bracing and PT maximizes efficacy of both treatment methods for scoliosis and kyphosis.
Benefits of Scoliosis Specific Exercises in conjunction to bracing
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Scoliosis specific exercises help to prepare body’s soft tissues for bracing ensuring better flexibility of the spine and therefore better tolerance to pressure exerted by the brace, and consequently better compliance.
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Scoliosis specific exercises help to improve posture through maximizing flexibility in direction of postural correction and increasing awareness of body center.
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Scoliosis specific exercises help to strengthen postural muscles while maintaining corrected posture during static and dynamic functional activities.
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Scoliosis specific exercises help to adapt corrective breathing patterns that support postural improvement and restoration of ribcage symmetry.
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Scoliosis specific exercises help to develop ability to maintain corrected posture during activities of daily living ensuring stable postural improvement and Cobb angle reduction after weaning off the brace process is completed.
See the references to the effect of bracing combined with Schroth method therapy
A multidisciplinary team approach is essential when working with a child who is receiving bracing treatment. The team effort is usually coordinated between the orthotist, the doctor, and the physiotherapist to assure that bracing is an effective and positive experience. The therapist has the ability to monitor the brace on a weekly basis to ensure that any issues will be addressed in a timely manner.