
Juvenile Scoliosis

PT treatment – Curve reduced – Bracing avoided

At the age of 9 years the patient was diagnosed with scoliosis and she was recommended “wait and see” observational approach . 

At the age of 11 .5 years the curve progressed to 23 degrees at thoracic and 25  degrees at lumbar regions .  The orthopedic specialist recommended to start bracing and scoliosis specific exercises. The family preferred to try physiotherapy approach first  and then decide on bracing. PT was delivered 2 x week for 6 weeks period.

At the follow up in 6 weeks the curve reduction was observed from to 13 degrees at thoracic and 15 degrees at lumbar regions. Bracing was no longer in discussion and therapy continued through the next several years, but with reduced frequency delivered individually and then in group format.

Towards the end of the treatment the curve gradually progressed to the numbers that were close to initially Cobb angle, but it never exceeded it. Bracing was completely  avoided and the patient was happy and satisfied  with treatment outcome.

Clinical pictures comparing Initial assessment and assessment after 8 weeks

Juvenile Scoliosis with late progression

PT treatment – Night brace for 2 yrs – Surgery avoided

At 10 years of age with the Cobb angle was diagnosed at 22 degrees. The patient has started scoliosis specific exercises but stopped after 6 months as he was too young to focus on postural work.

At the age of 15 Cobb angle progressed to 42 degrees. Therapy resumed shortly before pandemic . We transitioned to virtual therapy being forced to learn postural corrections, exercise set ups and breathing techniques without hands on facilitation. Sessions were provided 1- 2 x week for 5 months and home program was followed. The patient was recommended to wear a Rigo type brace at night to improve flexibility of his  curve and restore tensegrity of the spine.   

At the 6 months follow up the curve reduced to 25 degrees.  Therapy continued for the next 2 years with the average  frequency of 2 x month and the patient was gradually weaned off the brace.  Treatment frequency was gradually decreased to 1 – 2 x months and prior to final Xrays no treatment was provided for 4 months.

At 2 years 8 months follow up ( age 18) the curve reduction remained stable at 25 degrees Cobb angle  and no further follow ups were recommended by orthopedic doctor. This case is a proof that virtual therapy can be highly effective and that bracing at the end of growth can be very helpful, even if it is administered at nighttime only.

After 2 weeks of treatment

Initial assessment

Corrected sitting posture with Rotational angular breathing – Schroth Method

Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis

PT treatment – Curve reduced – Bracing avoided

Coming up

Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis

PT treatment and Bracing – Successful Curve Reduction

Coming up

Postural kyphosis

PT treatment – Curve reduction

Coming up

Scheurmann’s Kyphosis

PT treatment – Curve reduction

Coming up

Coming up