Volunteer Trip to FOCOS – August 2018

FOCOS is the Foundation of Orthopaedics and Complex Spine that was established in Ghana by Dr. Oheneba Boachie-Adjei, a world renown USA spinal surgeon.

FOCOS mission is to provide comprehensive, affordable orthopaedic care to those who would not otherwise have access to such treatment.

Our trip to FOCOS was truly an eye-opening experience. As a scoliosis therapist, I never saw what severe scoliosis can look like and never realized how serious the implications of this spinal deformity can be for health and quality of life. Unfortunately, in many 3rd world counties with the limited access to healthcare, conservative management for scoliosis either does not exist or is not accessible for most. There is no bracing or therapy, and best quality medical care is most likely unaffordable.

The brave children stayed at the FOCOS hospital for many months without their parents preparing for spinal surgery while going through prolonged traction treatment, and then through lengthy recovery process after complicated procedures. These children were surrounded by tremendous love and care from dedicated staff at FOCOS. They felt privileged and hopeful, being grateful to be there. We felt privileged and blessed to be able to help them at least a little bit.

Brooklyn Curvy Girls 2017 – 2020

First meeting – Spring 2017

Brace decoration night – Fall 2017

Brooklyn Curvy Girls Fund Rising Gala – January 2018

Gala featured dance performances

WINGS – choreographed and performed by Brooklyn Curvy Girls

HAVANA – choreographed and performed by Brooklyn Curvy Girls

DESPOSITO – performed by Paula Mitrani, Viktoria Agaronnik and Levy Agaronnik

EMBRACED DANCE – choreographed and performed by Nicole and Levy Agaronnik

BRAVE – dance finale

After party

Curvy Girls International Convention – Summer 2018

Rehearsing group dance performance in preparation for dance night

Brooklyn Curvy Girls dress up night – December 2018