Many yoga postures are far from ideal for scoliosis or kyphosis as they are asking for extreme movements of the spine. If the direction of movement is undesirable, it will increase existent deformity of the spine.
Forward bends
Patients with the spines that are kyphotic, or too rounded, should not be practicing forward bends that tend to round back even more.
Upper back – too rounded
Upper back – too rounded
Lower back – too rounded
Entire back is too rounded
Backwards bends
Patients with scoliosis who have so called “flat back”, or the back that is too straight, should not be practicing aggressive backwards bend, as it would increase abnormal flattening the spine even further. In this situation backwards bent overstretch will increase mobility of the spine in direction that is undesirable and rather requires stabilization. This is specifically important for developing spines in children and adolescents that are still growing. In such cases excessive straightening of the spine can facilitate further development of scoliosis.
Excessive extension at the lower lumbar area - may facilitate spondylolisthesis and stenosis
Nice looking pose, but may be contraindicated for a child who already has scoliosis
Side bends
Spines that have significant asymmetry (bending and turning towards one side) – should avoid poses that increase bending or turning to the side that is already doing it too much.
Too much bending to the right is causing overstretch to the left thoracic and lumbar spine
Spinal Twists
Extreme and sustained twisting of the spine is not recommended for scoliosis, as scoliotic spine already has a twisted shape. Therefore, increase spinal mobility into undesirable direction of the twist would increase the asymmetry of the spine and is contraindicated. Twisting in desirable direction sounds good but needs to be performed with special considerations as often it can provoke compensatory counter twist in the adjacent region of the spine that is undesirable. Therefore, it is advised to avoid twisting postures or modify them under guidance of professional who is knowledgeable in scoliosis ensuring that the twists are performed within safe range.
Too much twisting to the right
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