Pilates Exercises
Pilates exercises are an excellent tool for strengthening core muscles while improving postural control and fluidity of movement. Pilates exercises can be successfully used to help the patients with scoliosis and kyphosis.

Patient specific postural corrections and breathing techniques that are learned through scoliosis specific exercises can be easily integrated into Pilates routines. Pilates exercises offer the opportunity to practice postural corrections within a controlled dynamic environment allowing strengthening of muscles through full range of motion.
Pilates equipment offers great ways to use positioning techniques and assistive /resistive quality of the springs to increase spinal mobility, improve postural control, muscle strength and endurance. Pilates exercises provide strong input to the sensory receptors located at the muscles, tendons, and joints. This sensory information gets integrated in a brain through neuro – motor pathways creating new awareness of movement and better postural control.

It is important that special considerations must be observed for individuals with scoliosis and kyphosis as some movements and exercise positions can be highly beneficial, while others may be contraindicated. The individual considerations based on spinal deviations should be observed in terms of positioning and adaptations.

Pilates For Children
Children love movement and cannot stay still for a long time. They love using Pilates equipment as it offers a great opportunity for rhythmical movement while performing pulling and pushing activities. Sensory input of movement and pressure improves sensory organization and facilitates calming.

The opportunity to move while maintaining controlled posture provides strong vestibular and proprioceptive input to the growing body. Children always crave swings, rides, pulling and pushing games as such games improve their spatial and body awareness.
Improved body awareness facilitates better postural control in a growing body that includes stability, coordination, balance, muscle strength and sense of body symmetry.

Stronger core muscles provide support that is necessary for the growing spine.
Pilates Equipment is easily and safely adapted for children seven years and older.