
I am a Doctor of Physical Therapy with 30 years of experience and expertise in scoliosis treatment.  I received a BS degree in Physical Therapy in 1993 from NYU and Doctor of Physical Therapy degree in 2009 from Rocky Mountain University for Health Professionals. I specialized in pediatric physical therapy, and for the last 10 years have focused on scoliosis treatment.  My interest in scoliosis was facilitated by a personal journey related to this condition, and I dedicated my time and efforts to attain the highest level of knowledge in this field. In 2014 I established a private practice dedicated to the care of patients with scoliosis and kyphosis.

I received extensive training in scoliosis specific physiotherapy methods including the highest levels of certification in the Schroth, SEAS and Lyon methods. I am a member of SOSORT (International Society on Scoliosis Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation Treatment) and have attended numerous professional conferences related to scoliosis and kyphosis.

I am passionate about holistic health and fitness, particularly Yoga and Pilates.

In 2022, after many years of personal yoga practice, I became certified as a Yoga teacher through the world-famous DharmaYoga center in New York City, where I regularly attend classes under the guidance of the highly respected yoga master Sri Dharma Mittra. In my treatment sessions, I incorporate the yogic attitude of calmness, focused awareness, positive mindset and control of emotions through breathing and postural exercises. This helps my patients feel grounded and supported, and helps them heal faster by addressing their problems in a positive way.

I became interested in Pilates as a way to strengthen the muscles, enhance motor-sensory learning, and improve postural control. In 2019-20, I became a Pilates Instructor for Mat and Springboard modalities, and I am currently working on attaining certification as a Polestar Pilates practitioner. I believe that holistic fitness methods can be effectively incorporated into scoliosis specific regiments, making treatment engaging and enjoyable for patients of all ages.

As a pediatric physical therapist, I have worked for almost three decades treating patients with developmental disabilities, neurologic and sensory disorders. I have been working with infants, toddlers and school age children throughout my professional career while being involved in early intervention programs, school-based settings, and private practice.

The following certifications highlight the breadth of my professional training:

  • International Schroth 3-Dimentional therapy (2013)
  • BSPTS Schroth therapy – C1 and C2 level certifications (2015, 2016)
  • BSPTS Schroth therapy C1 level training – audited with Dr. Rigo in Barcelona, Spain (2018)
  • SEAS (Scientific Exercise Approach for Scoliosis) method – Level  1 and 2 (2017, 2018)
  • World Scoliosis Specialist training through ISICO – 10 months (2018)
  • Lyon method (2022)
  • Yoga adaptations for Scoliosis (2015)
  • Pilates adaptations for Scoliosis (2017)
  • Yoga for Special child teacher training (2008)
  • Yoga teacher training (200 hours certification) through Dharma Yoga NYC (2022)
  • Mat Pilates Training through Power Pilates (2019)
  • Mat Pilates, Springboard and Barre training with Ellie Herman (2020)
  • Neuro Developmental Treatment – 8 weeks training (2002)
  • Cuevas Medek exercises – level 3 (2004)