Scoliosis Specific Physical Therapy (PSSE)
The definition of PSSE (Physiotherapy Scoliosis Specific Exercises) was developed by the Scientific Society of Scoliosis Orthopedic Rehabilitation and Treatment (SOSORT) which is a world organization dedicated to non-operative treatment of scoliosis. Most PSSE methods originated in Europe being established over decades of dedicated practice. To acquire proficiency in these methods physical therapy practitioners must complete specific training and pass certification process.
The reviews of PSSE methods were published by Hagid Berdishevsky et al. in 2016, Vaiva Seleviciene et al. in 2022.

According to SOSORT physiotherapy scoliosis specific exercises must include:
- Postural corrections in 3D where the patient learns how to perform corrected posture independently.
- Stabilization in the corrected position. The corrected posture is stabilized through exercise activities that are performed by the patient in the clinic and at home.
- Training in activities of daily living. The patient learns how to maintain corrected posture during normal activities of daily living including movement tasks and more stationary activities.
- Patient education. The patient and family are educated about scoliosis and scoliosis specific exercise treatment goals and expectations.
Additionally, PSSE include:
- Breathing exercises to support postural corrections.
- Manual therapy to address the flexibility of the spine and soft tissues.
- Balance exercises to improve postural control during movement.
- Proprioceptive training activities to improve efficiency of the postural system.
- Strengthening and stabilization activities to improve postural stability during steady postures and movement.

I believe that the best treatment practice should include elements of several methods. The choice of treatment method and technique is driven by clinical opinion that is reflection of patient’s primary and secondary goals, needs and abilities.
I use Schroth method exercises and breathing techniques in conjunction with Lyon method postural training principles and manual therapy techniques, as well as SEAS method functional exercises to address different areas of patient’s concerns and needs. This approach allows flexibility in treatment choices leading to excellent results and patient satisfaction.
In addition to PSSE there are wonderful holistic health and fitness methods such as Pilates and Yoga. These methods can be an excellent adjunct to scoliosis specific exercises as they directly address postural control and breath awareness helping to build core strength and postural endurance.
Scoliosis specific postural corrections can be integrated into yoga asanas, and Pilates exercises offering enjoyable, effective, and safe way to strengthen the body and improve posture.