Learning postural corrections
At the start of the treatment program, we learn postural corrections in functional positions (sitting and standing). The patient becomes aware of proper posture and can begin integrating better postural habits into daily activities. We also learn simple realignment techniques that can be used throughout the day.

Brace Preparation
If a brace is already prescribed, we start with specific stretching, mobilization and postural training activities that help a patient to prepare for bracing and adapt to it easier.

Exercise progression
As the treatment progresses, we will increase the complexity of exercises focusing on retraining neuromuscular system to improve body symmetry and posture. Most often we start practicing in laying down positions because it is easier to build proper alignment of the body without influence of gravity. Then, after we master certain level of body control we can progress to more complex upright positions.

Respiratory training activities
Treatment will include respiratory training activities that promote symmetry of the ribcage, better postural control and increase in respiratory volumes that are usually compromised due to scoliosis.
Child performing postural elongation / expansion exercises
Child performing diaphragmic strengthening exercise
Adolescent performing postural corrections / postural expansion technique coordinated with breathing
Adolescent performing rotational angular breathing exercise
Adult performing ribcage lateral expansion exercise for kyphosis
Adult performing lateral ribcage expansion exercise followed by postural elongation
Towards the completion of treatment, we will focus on strengthening postural muscles. In case of bracing treatment strengthening activities are very important to support the body during weaning off the brace process.
The complexity of exercise set up will decrease to allow successful integration of treatment principles into daily activities and fitness programs. During this time, we try to decreasing reliance on specific exercise equipment and tools.

Group therapy is a great way to practice scoliosis specific exercises. Exercising in a group adds enjoyable social aspect that is therapeutic for all ages. Group work boosts motivation encouraging patients to do their best. Decreased individual help during group activities fosters independence in exercise set up and performance.