Video Reviews

Sophia’s Story


Hi, my name is Sophia and I am 13 years old. I have been working with Viktoria since summer of 2022. I got diagnosed with scoliosis in July 2022 and got many recommendations to see Viktoria for help. From the minute I met her, I instantly knew that she would care for me and help me through whatever it takes. When I first got diagnosed, I was at 42 degrees for my main curve- and in the span of a year and a half, my curve has decreased 20 degrees with all the help of Viktoria. She has been there for me through everything and made sure that I still had balance in my life. In every session, she always manages to bring a smile to my face. I would not be here with a 22-degree curve without her. I am so beyond grateful for all that she has helped me with and all she has done. Even in a struggling time, Viktoria was always so kind and always made me feel encouraged, like I can take on this challenge. She has changed my life in so many aspects and I can’t say that I would be where I am without her.


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